Tokyo sake starts here.
Tokyo sake starts here.
Tokyo sake starts here.


We are proud to say that all of our products are
made using natural ingredients found only in Tama.

Let our brewery be your getaway.

Let our brewery be your getaway.

At our brewery, you can see Kura buildings that were built during the 19th and 20th century where we continue to brew our
‘Tamajiman’ sake.
Inside the buildings, you will see the beauty of traditional Japanese architecture that has been maintained since it was first built.
Our company crafts both sake and beer, which are both available in our restaurants on our premises.

Google Map

For the online shop, please click here.

* Domestic Shipment Only

石川酒造 土蔵 散歩・見学 来て、見て。お酒ができるまで。

We hope that in this tour, you can experience the journey of the sake brewing process, explore our nature-filled site that includes old traditional buildings, all while enjoying the fresh crisp air that surrounds this site.

  • Fussa no Birugoya